Can You Build a Patio Over a Septic Tank?

backyard patio stone

Many homeowners want to build an outdoor space that allows them to have guests over and spend time with their families while getting some fresh air and sunshine. When it comes to building a patio, there are a few things that can get in the way, one of which is a septic tank.

You should not build a patio over or near a septic tank. Septic tanks are not built to withstand the weight of a concrete slab or pavers and you risk damaging the tank or the waste lines. You should make sure there is a 5 foot distance between the edge of the septic tank and any heavy materials.

A concrete or stone patio will also stop you from accessing the septic tank unless you break it up, which will get costly and will become a major headache.

Cost of Septic Tank Repair if Damaged

The cost of a septic tank repair so going to depend on the size of the tank, the type of tank you have, and the area of the country that you live in. On average, it will cost between $3,280-9,550 to replace. This will be in addition to the cost of redoing the patio.

Overall, this is something that you are going to want to avoid paying for and could be avoided if you build a deck over the tank instead and make sure that the weight of the deck is 

Can a Deck Be Built Over a Septic Tank Instead?

It is safer to build a deck over a septic tank than it is to build a patio, but it is best to use a patio alternative. The footings of the deck are going to have to be placed strategically so that the weight is applied to parts of the yard that won’t impact your septic tank or any other utility lines that are connected to your house. This requires the help of professionals and you should take precautions when you are planning and executing on this.

Patio Alternatives

To be safe, you should look into lightweight alternatives that are easily installed. Rubber tiles, rubber rolls, or outdoor foam tiles are great options if you want to mimic the look of a patio while removing a lot of the weight. They may not last as long, but if they can save you septic tank damage, it may be worth it.

You can also look into loose materials, which are gaining popularity because they allow rain water to reach the soil and help drought-prone areas keep their lawn healthy. This includes pea gravel, bark mulch, rubber mulch, and sand. As long as you pre-plan the installation and do regular maintenance to keep it all neat, you could create a very unique space.


You should avoid adding a patio or deck over a septic tank unless you have professionals involved and you find a solution that removes the risk of damaging the tank and will not cause future problems. You should always get your home surveyed before buying it so that you can plan for the cost and issues that may come when doing future projects.


Bryan works in the digital marketing space and has always been interested in owning real estate and making his first house special. He is super excited to share all of the research and experiences that come with buying your first home!

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