Can You Put Lacrosse Balls In The Dryer?

Do you ever wonder how you can decrease time but increase efficiency when dealing with your dryer? Many people are unaware of the benefits and efficacy of placing lacrosse balls in the dryer. Place these balls into your next load to help with fluffing, static control, and faster dry time and be amazed at the results. 

Can you put lacrosse balls in the dryer?

Lacrosse balls can be placed into the dryer to help fluff your comforter, sleeping bag, or any other heavy sheet or blanket. 

What type of lacrosse balls can go in the dryer?

You are going to want to use white lacrosse balls so that the color does not transfer onto the other items that are being dried. The White Champion Lacrosse Balls from Amazon are a great option if you are ordering online.

What is the best ball to use in the dryer?

You can use many different types of balls in the dryer to help with fluffing and agitating items. The type of ball you use will be important because the heavier balls work best with heavier items while the lighter balls work best with the thinner ones. There are a variety of balls that can be tossed into the dryer for help with fluffing and static removal. These include: lacrosse balls, tennis balls, wool dryer balls, and silicone dryer balls. 

Lacrosse balls

These will be beneficial for those heavier quilts and comforters to assist with fluffing and declumping to sustain the quality. You may want to include this method when drying your bed set. 

Tennis balls 

You can also use these with the heavy items but you will notice a more efficient outcome if you use a lighter item such as small pillows and light down sheets. Tennis balls will also help with drying and declumping those small to large loads of everyday clothing. This can be useful with any basic load of laundry. 

Wool vs Silicone dryer balls

While plastic balls are not as environmentally friendly as those of the wool variety, they are more durable and usually do not leave behind any fibers in the laundry. Wool dryer balls, on the other hand, are the most durable option and you can even add some essential oils to infuse different scents into your latest load of laundry.

Are lacrosse balls safe to use in the dryer?

These balls are safe to use however, they may make some ruckus causing you to wonder what is really going on in there. It may be best to use the low setting on your dryer when using these balls, especially the lacrosse ones since they are much larger in size and may make more noise. If the dryer is full, it will most likely be less noisy since there will be more area covered by the items being dried. Overall, these are safe to use and should not damage your machine. 


Stella works in the medical field and loves the idea of buying her first home and decorating it exactly as she wants! She has a passion for interior design and loves the idea of bringing boring spaces to life.

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