What to Do If Your Neighbor Builds a Fence on Your Property

Property boundaries are a crucial aspect of land ownership, and disputes over property lines can be quite common. One such dispute can arise when a neighbor decides to build a fence on your property without your consent or without adhering to the correct property lines. This situation can be stressful and challenging, but there are steps you can take to address it legally and amicably. In this article, we will guide you through the process of dealing with a situation where your neighbor has built a fence on your property.

Review Your Property Records

The first step is to review your property records, including your deed and property survey. These documents will provide you with a clear understanding of your property boundaries and any legal rights you may have concerning your land.

Talk to Your Neighbor

It’s essential to maintain a civil and open line of communication with your neighbor. Approach them politely and express your concerns about the fence encroaching on your property. It’s possible that your neighbor is unaware of the mistake or misunderstanding the property lines. A friendly conversation can often resolve the issue amicably.

Consult a Surveyor

If talking to your neighbor doesn’t yield a resolution, consider hiring a professional land surveyor. A surveyor can accurately determine the property lines and mark them clearly. This objective evidence can be crucial if the dispute escalates.

Review Local Laws and Regulations

Familiarize yourself with your local zoning laws and regulations regarding property boundaries and fences. These laws vary by location and can dictate the height, placement, and materials allowed for fences. Understanding these rules can help you determine if your neighbor’s fence violates any regulations.


If discussions with your neighbor and the surveyor’s assessment do not lead to a resolution, consider mediation. A neutral third party can help facilitate a compromise between you and your neighbor, possibly resulting in an agreement to move or modify the fence.

Contact Your Local Building Department

If the fence continues to be a problem, reach out to your local building department or zoning office. Provide them with the evidence from the surveyor and any relevant property records. They can investigate the issue and may issue a notice of violation to your neighbor if necessary.

Legal Action

If all else fails, you may need to take legal action to resolve the dispute. Consult with an attorney who specializes in property law to explore your options. Legal remedies may include filing a lawsuit for trespass, seeking an injunction to have the fence removed, or claiming adverse possession in rare cases.

Maintain Documentation

Throughout the process, keep detailed records of all communications, photographs, surveys, and legal documents related to the dispute. This documentation will be essential if you need to pursue legal action.

Consider Alternative Solutions

Keep in mind that legal battles can be costly and time-consuming. It’s often in both parties’ best interest to explore alternative solutions, such as reaching a compromise or negotiating a property line adjustment.

Seek Resolution and Neighborly Relations

Regardless of the outcome, it’s crucial to aim for a resolution that preserves neighborly relations. Property disputes can be emotionally charged, but maintaining a civil and respectful demeanor throughout the process is essential.

Dealing with a neighbor who has built a fence on your property can be a complex and challenging situation. However, by following these steps, you can work toward a resolution that respects your property rights and maintains good neighborly relations. Remember that each case is unique, and seeking legal advice from a qualified attorney is advisable if the dispute cannot be resolved through communication and mediation.


Bryan works in the digital marketing space and has always been interested in owning real estate and making his first house special. He is super excited to share all of the research and experiences that come with buying your first home!

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